Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Weekly Progress Report

Week 2: October 26 - November 1


 1. We have set up our laboratory space in the classroom
 2. On Thursday, we have set up the circuit board and the oscilloscope and the signal generator.
 3. Vivian has finished reading Chapter 1- Electricity and a little bit on Chapter 2- Electronic Components


 1. The signals are displaying incorrectly on the generator. We used the multimeter to see if the voltage was 12.
 2. We believe that we may have short-circuited the ATX power supply. 
 3. We think that it is the components on the circuit board. We will have to modify the board by experimenting.
 4. Designing the pattern board - Each square needs to be at max 1mm square big (that's really tiny)


1. Figure out if we permanently broke the ATX power supply.

2. Take apart the components on the circuit board and look for issues. 

3.  Option 1: Etching

4. Option 2: Creating a Printed Circuit Board with a INKJET Printer

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